BETA CAE Systems is a private engineering software company committed to the development of state of the art CAE software systems that meet the requirements of all simulation disciplines. The company’s products, the ANSA pre-processor/ EPILYSIS solver and META post-processor suite, and SPDRM, the simulation-process-data-and-resources manager, hold a worldwide leading position across a range of industries, including the automotive, railway vehicles, aerospace, motorsports, chemical processes engineering, energy, electronics, heavy machinery, power tools, and biomechanics.
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BETA CAE Systems是一家私营的工程软件公司,致力于满足所有仿真学科的要求,先进的CAE软件系统的发展状态。本公司的产品,安莎预处理器/ EPILYSIS求解器和META后处理器套件,SPDRM,仿真过程数据和资源管理器,按住跨多种行业的全球领先地位,包括汽车,铁路汽车,航空航天,赛车,化学过程工程,能源,电子,重型机械,电动工具,和生物力学。
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